
Monday, 08 March 2021

Aurizon secures sizeable investor appetite despite headwinds

China’s ban on Australian coal has been one of the largest shocks to the industry in recent months. Nonetheless, Aurizon Operations received strong investor support for its transaction – albeit at a significantly wider price point to its triple-B rated peers.

Monday, 01 March 2021

Aurizon launches seven-year Australian dollar deal

On 2 March, Aurizon Finance, the financing entity of Aurizon Operations (BBB+/Baa1), launched a new seven-year, Australian dollar denominated transaction. Indicative price guidance for the deal, which is expected to price on the day of launch, is 190 basis points area over semi-quarterly swap. MUFG Securities, National Australia Bank and SMBC Nikko are leading.

Sunday, 28 February 2021

Aurizon taking indications of interest for new Australian dollar deal

On 1 March, Aurizon Finance, the financing entity of Aurizon Operations (BBB+/Baa1), began taking indications of interest for a potential Australian dollar denominated, seven-year transaction. The deal is being marketed at 190 basis points area over semi-quarterly swap. MUFG Securities, National Australia Bank, SMBC Nikko are leading.

Thursday, 18 February 2021

Aurizon to engage investors on potential seven-year or longer domestic deal

On 18 February, Aurizon Finance (BBB+/Baa1) mandated MUFG Securities, National Australia Bank and SMBC Nikko to arrange a series of investor calls beginning 23 February regarding a potential seven-year or longer, Australian dollar denominated transaction.

Thursday, 05 November 2020
Oct/Nov 2020

Eye of the storm

When Australia went into lockdown, transport and shipping infrastructure saw an unprecedented business shock. Airport and toll-road passenger numbers collapsed while even freight flows dropped as the global economy ground to a halt. In October, KangaNews and Westpac Institutional Bank gathered key players in the Australian sector to discuss business impact, balance-sheet resilience and the swift rebound of debt capital markets including the domestic option.

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