Australian Securitisation Forum

Tuesday, 19 May 2020

AOFM and ASF give update on forbearance SPV

The Australian Office of Financial Management (AOFM) and Australian Securitisation Forum (ASF) are finalising terms for a forbearance special-purpose vehicle (SPV), designed to provide relief to nonbank and small bank lenders with securitisation trusts affected by forbearance on loans as a result of COVID-19.

Monday, 20 December 2021
Dec/Jan 2021/2022

Getting to grips with the future of work

COVID-19 has profoundly affected how people work, especially in largely urban, professional industries like capital markets. As part of the 2021 Australian Securitisation Forum virtual conference, leaders with a range of perspectives shared their views on whether the shift to wide-scale home working will persist in the long term, how it affects equity across the workforce – particularly through a gender lens – and the value of face-to-face working.

Friday, 24 September 2021

Securitisation issuers should embrace sustainability

Securitisers not embracing sustainability-aligned issuance could expose themselves to future pricing risk as investor mandates demand more green bonds, according to market participants speaking about a new Australian Securitisation Forum-Perpetual report.

Tuesday, 06 April 2021

Australian securitisers avert disaster in EU regulatory overhaul

The outcome of new EU securitisation regulations that passed into law on 25 March is more positive for Australian issuers than was feared when the changes were first proposed, intermediaries say. Some challenges remain, but it now seems likely that the worst-case scenario – European investors being effectively precluded from participation in Australian-origin transactions – has been averted.

Monday, 05 April 2021

Consistent data required for labelled securitisation

The dearth of consistent data and reporting standards is likely the primary factor holding back green, social and sustainability-linked securitisation issuance in Australia, according to speakers at an Australian Securitisation Forum webinar. If such issuance did come to market it would likely be well received on the buy side.

Monday, 22 March 2021

Securitisation industry confident ahead of EU regulation amendments reading

Changes to the EU’s securitisation regulation proposed late in 2020 have been a thorn in the side for Australia’s securitisation industry in the opening months of the year. The amendments put a prohibition of investment from EU-based entities on the cards. However, with a date approaching for the proposals’ reading in the EU parliament, industry figures are confident the issues will be resolved.

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