BNY Mellon

Tuesday, 22 September 2020
Aug/Sep 2020 supplement

Roundtable discussion: Women in Securitisation

The Australian securitisation industry has been at the front line of market evolution, from its position at the eye of the financial-crisis storm to the proactive role played by the Australian Securitisation Forum (ASF)’s Women in Securitisation (WIS) subcommittee.

Sunday, 14 November 2021
Dec/Jan 2021/2022 Women in Capital Markets supplement

Fast-changing Australia at inflection point

Alexis Walker, branch manager and relationship management and strategy head, asset servicing and digital, Australia at BNY Mellon, has recently returned to Sydney after 12 years working overseas. Her international experience has shaped her view on Australia and its fast-changing finance industry.

Sunday, 14 November 2021
Dec/Jan 2021/2022 Women in Capital Markets supplement

Asset-class diversity adds fuel to red-hot Australian securitisation market

Record issuance of Australian dollar securitisation in 2021 has been driven by nonbank names, with a significant contribution coming from the growth in issuance of nonmortgage asset-backed securities deals. In September, BNY Mellon and KangaNews gathered a predominatly female group of sector experts to discuss market outcomes and the outlook in the latest phase of the pandemic.

Tuesday, 22 September 2020
Aug/Sep 2020 supplement

BNY: Engagement within and beyond the walls

BNY Mellon’s initiatives to promote workplace gender diversity and inclusivity involve wide-ranging internal and tangible external engagement. Two of the company’s senior executives in the Asia-Pacific region, Anna O’Sullivan and Lauren Stewart, discuss the programmes and their aims to tackle systemic societal issues.

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