Wednesday, 04 November 2020
Oct/Nov 2020

New opportunities for New Zealand securitisation

A more optimistic tone has emerged in New Zealand’s securitisation market on the back of two primary-market transactions and the emergence of a potential large-scale new issuer. The tone is markedly different from the first half of the year, when market participants did not expect to see deal flow in 2020.

Monday, 07 February 2022

IADB launches five-year Kauri

Monday, 31 January 2022

NWB exploring inaugural Kauri deal

Tuesday, 01 February 2022

SSAs get busy as Kauri market demonstrates ongoing appeal

Early-year supranational, sovereign and agency deal flow in the Kauri market demonstrates the attractiveness of New Zealand issuance to global borrowers, as deal sources say each of the three transactions completed by late January provided a positive outcome for its issuer.

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