Clean Energy Finance Corporation

Sunday, 14 March 2021
Feb/Mar 2021 IWI Supplement

The next frontier: green home loans in Australia

Sustainable-finance development in Australia has tended to focus on the institutional sector. But a vast quantity of assets on bank balance sheets are residential mortgages, which to date have been almost untouched by environmental considerations. Clean Energy Finance Corporation and KangaNews gathered a group of market participants at the cutting edge of green home-loan development to discuss the product’s potential and its funding implications.

Monday, 06 December 2021
Dec/Jan 2021/2022 Corporate supplement

Sustainable corporate debt establishes base camp in Australia – and looks to the summit

Like the Australian corporate debt market as a whole, the local sustainable debt space has progressed in leaps and bounds over recent years but still has a mountain to climb. The emergence of sustainability-linked instruments has opened the sustainable-debt door to a new range of borrowers, while investors are increasingly integrating sustainability principles in their credit processes. Participants at a roundtable convened by KangaNews and Westpac Institutional Bank in November discuss their sustainability journeys and how they are preparing for the climb ahead.

Saturday, 30 October 2021
Oct/Nov 2021

Dissecting ESG in Australian private debt

The private-debt asset class is growing as investors seek reliable return in the ultra-low rates and spread environment. As private debt becomes increasingly mainstream, Commonwealth Bank of Australia and KangaNews explore how investors integrate environmental, social and governance practices in their strategies.

Friday, 24 September 2021

Securitisation issuers should embrace sustainability

Securitisers not embracing sustainability-aligned issuance could expose themselves to future pricing risk as investor mandates demand more green bonds, according to market participants speaking about a new Australian Securitisation Forum-Perpetual report.

Saturday, 18 September 2021
KangaNews Sustainable Finance H2 2021

Charging up the Australian EV market

The global sustainable-finance market continues to innovate in the areas of product, reporting and data provision among others. In this environment, ING and KangaNews gathered leaders from the Australian and European corporate sector with other market participants to discuss how borrowers are furthering the alignment between finance and corporate-sustainability goals.

Friday, 17 September 2021
KangaNews Sustainable Finance H2 2021

Small steps to subinstitutional scale

For the finance industry to support low-carbon economic transition to the fullest extent, sustainability principles must be applied across the business landscape and not just to the largest companies. However, the challenges are magnified for companies without the resources of the institutional sector.

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