European Investment Bank

Tuesday, 05 January 2021
Dec/Jan 2020/2021

Leading from the front

European Investment Bank is one of the EU’s primary vehicles for achieving its sustainability goals and is therefore at the vanguard of European and global sustainable debt markets. The supranational tells KangaNews it aims to use this position to provide a blueprint for itself and others to implement ambitious sustainable-finance strategies.

Friday, 07 January 2022

EIB opens 2022 with record-breaking Kangaroo sustainability bond

European Investment Bank kicked off the 2022 Kangaroo market Wednesday, pricing the largest-ever Australian dollar green, social and sustainability bond from a supranational, sovereign and agency borrower. The issuer says pricing was attractive versus its core-currency markets as it seeks greater investor diversification through its green- and sustainability-funding programmes.

Monday, 03 January 2022

EIB launches five-year Kangaroo SAB

Monday, 03 January 2022

EIB exploring new Australian dollar SAB

Monday, 20 December 2021
Dec/Jan 2021/2022

New lease of life for blockchain bonds

Advocates touted early issuance of blockchain bonds as a sign of things to come but the market went quiet after a few transactions. Market participants say the blockchain-bond dream is alive, however, as recent central-bank moves to create digital currencies could solve several issues in the initial deals and help reboot the whole concept.

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