IFM Investors

Thursday, 05 November 2020
Oct/Nov 2020

Eye of the storm

When Australia went into lockdown, transport and shipping infrastructure saw an unprecedented business shock. Airport and toll-road passenger numbers collapsed while even freight flows dropped as the global economy ground to a halt. In October, KangaNews and Westpac Institutional Bank gathered key players in the Australian sector to discuss business impact, balance-sheet resilience and the swift rebound of debt capital markets including the domestic option.

Monday, 20 December 2021
Dec/Jan 2021/2022

Offshore securitisation back on the menu for nonbanks

Market talk is growing about a potential return to offshore issuance by Australian securitisation sponsors – including some nonmortgage asset-backed securities – if, as expected, issuance needs remain high while domestic market tailwinds abate. Australian investors note recent and expected developments in the credit market could soften demand and issuers are already starting to venture offshore once more.

Friday, 29 October 2021

Securitisation issuers explore offshore as local spreads widen

Market talk is growing about a potential return to offshore issuance by Australian securitisation issuers – including some nonmortgage asset-backed securities – if supply continues to grow and spreads widen. Despite a record year and a strong October, some investors note recent and expected developments in the credit market could soften demand as issuers prep further deals to finish out the year.

Thursday, 07 October 2021
Oct/Nov 2021 Nonbank supplement

Digitalisation drives competitive edge across nonbank sector

Australia’s nonbank financial institutions are no strangers to the concept of chasing competitive advantage wherever they can find it. A roundtable hosted by KangaNews and Perpetual Corporate Trust explores ways in which digitalisation is delivering for nonbanks in the data, credit and funding spaces.

Monday, 06 September 2021
KangaNews Sustainable Finance H2 2021

Interim infrastructure emissions targets just the start for IFM

IFM Investors has set 2030 targets for emissions-reduction in its largest investment sector – infrastructure – as part of the asset manager’s drive to achieve net zero across its funds by 2050. IFM expects to disclose similar interim plans for the equity, private-equity and debt asset classes in the coming months.

Wednesday, 25 August 2021
Aug/Sep 2021

Sustainable finance eyes ambition and amplification

Discussions at the KangaNews Sustainable Debt Summit 2021 virtual event in June suggest market engagement with environmental, social and governance issues continues to deepen. Norms in sustainability-linked instruments are quickly solidifying while developments in accounting, disclosure and stakeholder engagement are also contributing to momentum.

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