
Tuesday, 13 October 2020
Oct/Nov 2020 Nonbank supplement

Australian nonbanks' song remains the same

Every year, KangaNews hosts Australia’s leading nonbank lenders at a sector roundtable discussion – supported since 2019 by Natixis. In keeping with the unique circumstances of 2020, this year’s roundtable was conducted via videoconference. While market conditions have changed dramatically in the past 12 months, the sector is able to tell the same story of solid funding foundations and sound credit quality.

Tuesday, 26 October 2021
Oct/Nov 2021

EU funding enters its next generation

In October 2020, the EU embarked on a massively enhanced funding programme – immediately making it a major borrower on the international stage following a relatively quiet decade. But COVID-19 response funding was only the beginning of the EU’s medium-term debt-market plans, and it is now setting up to be a significant issuer for the foreseeable future with ramifications well beyond the Eurozone.

Saturday, 09 October 2021
Oct/Nov 2021 Nonbank supplement

Nonbanks make hay but contemplate season change

Australia’s nonbank financial institutions have enjoyed an unprecedented domestic funding bonanza in 2021 as circumstances have aligned to provide all-time record securitisation volume and the best pricing conditions since the financial crisis. Book growth and the return of competing supply mean the search for new liquidity pools is likely to move back up the agenda soon, however.

Wednesday, 06 October 2021
Oct/Nov 2021 Nonbank supplement

Lending and funding growth back in focus for nonbanks

If 2020 was a story of resilience in the face of an unprecedented external shock for Australian nonbank lenders, this year has been about the return of growth in originations accompanied by perhaps the best-ever conditions in domestic securitisation. At a roundtable hosted by KangaNews and Natixis, issuers speak about their aspirations and funding consequences.

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