New Zealand Debt Management

Wednesday, 15 July 2020
Jun/Jul 2020

Plenty more issuance but strong starting position for NZDM

New Zealand Debt Management (NZDM) is facing a funding task in the coming years multiples higher than even its most active historical programmes. Kim Martin, New Zealand Treasury’s Wellington-based acting director, capital markets, discusses the solid starting position and execution plans for the coming issuance requirement.

Wednesday, 15 December 2021

NZDM decreases 2021/22 funding requirement

Thursday, 11 November 2021

New Zealand to enter sovereign green-bond market

The New Zealand government has announced plans to commence issuing sovereign green bonds, with the first transaction slated for late 2022. New Zealand Debt Management says green bonds will become an “important and enduring part of the New Zealand government bond portfolio” alongside nominal and inflation-linked issuance.

Thursday, 16 September 2021

NZDM lands long-dated NZ$3 billion sovereign bond

New Zealand Debt Management extended its maturity curve to 30 years on 14 September, placing a NZ$3 billion (US$2.1 billion) nominal bond deal primarily with offshore accounts.

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