SGSP Australia Assets (Jemena)

Wednesday, 12 January 2022

Offshore banks, institutional investors flock to Jemena’s first UOP bonds

Jemena says the green element of its latest round of debt refinancing was key to investor interest, with the use-of-proceeds model attracting demand to the issuer’s recent private placement and syndicated loan deals. The late 2021 transactions represent the company’s first foray into green finance, a tool it expects to develop in future transactions.

Saturday, 18 September 2021
KangaNews Sustainable Finance H2 2021

Global companies drive efforts to understand and quantify impact

The global sustainable-finance market continues to innovate in the areas of product, reporting and data provision among others. In this environment, ING and KangaNews gathered leaders from the Australian and European corporate sector with other market participants to discuss how borrowers are furthering the alignment between finance and corporate-sustainability goals.

Monday, 07 September 2020

SGSP prints A$350 million eight-year deal

Sunday, 06 September 2020

SGSP launches eight-year domestic benchmark transaction

On 7 September, SGSP Australia Assets (SGSP) (A-/A3) launched an eight-year, Australian dollar denominated, benchmark transaction. Indicative price guidance for the forthcoming deal is 130 basis points area over semi-quarterly swap. Commonwealth Bank of Australia, ING, SMBC Nikko and Westpac Institutional Bank are leading.

Tuesday, 01 September 2020

SGSP lining up eight-year Australian dollar deal

On 2 September, SGSP Australia Assets (SGSP) (A-/A3) mandated Commonwealth Bank of Australia, ING, SMBC Nikko and Westpac Institutional Bank to arrange a series of investor calls beginning 3 September regarding a potential Australian dollar denominated, eight-year, benchmark transaction.

Thursday, 17 October 2019
Oct/Nov 2019

The Japanese bid in a Japanified world

Japanese investors have been among the biggest supporters of Australian dollar and Australian-origin issuance in the rates, credit and structured-finance markets. In their annual roundtable, conducted in Tokyo in September, KangaNews and Mizuho Securities (Mizuho) found the Japanese buyer base is still supportive of Australian issuance but declining yield is a tough hurdle to overcome.

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