United Energy Distribution

Tuesday, 22 September 2020
Aug/Sep 2020 supplement

Roundtable discussion: Women in Treasury

The circumstances of 2020 have put particular pressure on corporate treasuries. Where the financial crisis was spawned – and, in Australia’s case, largely remained – in financial markets, COVID-19 rapidly developed from a public-health emergency into the greatest shock the real economy has seen in lifetimes. 

Thursday, 24 October 2019

Seven years suit UED for domestic benchmark return

While a recent clutch of 10-year deals in the Australian dollar corporate market has provided confidence that investor support can be found at tenor, United Energy Distribution (UED) opted for seven-year duration in its domestic return. The issuer says this tenor was the best match for its funding need.

Tuesday, 22 October 2019

UED prints A$300 million seven-year deal

Monday, 21 October 2019

UED launches seven-year domestic dual-tranche benchmark deal

On 21 October, United Energy Distribution (UED) (A- by S&P) launched a new seven-year Australian dollar denominated benchmark transaction, offered in either or both fixed- and floating-rate format. Indicative price guidance for the forthcoming deal, which is expected to price on the day after launch, is 120 basis points area over swap benchmarks. ANZ, Commonwealth Bank of Australia and HSBC are leading.

Tuesday, 17 September 2019

UED to sound investors for seven-year deal

On 17 September, United Energy Distribution (UED) (A- by S&P) mandated ANZ, Commonwealth Bank of Australia and HSBC to arrange an investor update call on the day of the announcement, regarding a potential seven-year domestic deal.

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