Vicinity Centres

Friday, 01 November 2019

Vicinity heads to euro market to diversify and extend debt book

A desire to diversify its funding sources and extend the tenor of its debt book saw Vicinity Centres (Vicinity) make its debut in the euro market on 29 October. The issuer is keen to be a consistent euro borrower and says reliability of 10-year demand was a decisive factor in its market choice.

Friday, 21 June 2019

Vicinity defies retail sentiment with latest domestic deal

Vicinity Centres (Vicinity) defied recent headlines around forecasts for the retail sector in its recent transaction, attracting significant demand from investors in Australia and Asia. Lead managers suggest that the issuer’s proactive engagement with investors and flexibility in meeting investor demand was key to the deal’s success.

Tuesday, 18 June 2019

Vicinity launches six-year dual-tranche domestic deal

Vicinity Centres (Vicinity) (A/A2) launched a new, six-year domestic transaction, offered in either or both fixed- and floating-rate formats, on 19 June. Indicative price guidance for the forthcoming transaction is 150 basis points area over swap benchmarks. Pricing is expected on the day of launch, according to joint lead managers Commonwealth Bank of Australia and National Australia Bank.

Tuesday, 18 June 2019

Vicinity starts marketing six-year dual-tranche domestic deal

On 18 June, Vicinity Centres (Vicinity) (A/A2) began taking indications of interest for a new, six-year, senior-unsecured Australian dollar denominated transaction, offered in either or both fixed- and floating-rate note formats. Indicative price guidance for the forthcoming transaction is 150 basis points area over swap benchmarks.

Friday, 07 June 2019

Vicinity to meet investors for new domestic deal

On 7 June, Vicinity Centres (Vicinity) (A/A2) mandated Commonwealth Bank of Australia and National Australia Bank to arrange a series of investor meetings in Asia and Australia, commencing 11 June, regarding a potential Australian dollar denominated deal.

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