2021 NZ Sustainable Bond League Table - Excluding Self-led Deals

2021 NZ Sustainable Bond League Table
Excluding Self-Led Deals
Jan 1 - Nov 22 2021

Market share (%)
ANZ 833 9 29.5
BNZ 696 6 24.6
Westpac Institutional Bank 413 5 14.6
TD Securities 333 2 11.8
Forsyth Barr 200 4 7.1
Craigs Investment Partners 163 3 5.8
Commonwealth Bank 150 1 5.3
Jarden Securities 38 1 1.3
TOTAL 2,825   100

Source: KangaNews Nov 22 2021

Note: The last deal completed in the NZ domestic market priced on Nov 18 2021. The league table will be updated again when the next deal prices.

Criteria: Must be use-of-proceeds bond; no minimum size; one-year minimum maturity or call date; dual-tranche issues counted as one deal if both tranches have the same maturity date; settlement date used for date calculations; issued in NZD; no requirements regarding domicile of issuer; pricing must be disclosed; deal must be syndicated; bookrunners given equal allocation (unless advised otherwise); excludes bonds that have been retrospectively labelled as SRI bonds; excludes asset-backed securities.