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The Australian government has moved to provide support for businesses and borrowers – both of which could assist the fintech lender sector. Market users welcome the government programmes but say they cannot be the whole answer.

Australian and New Zealand borrowers sought market stability even as the economic consequences of COVID-19 reverberated. See insights from the first transactions across the government, global supranational, sovereign and agency, bank and securitisation markets.

The Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) took unprecedented action on 19 March to provide a “bridge” to an expected economic recovery after the COVID-19 crisis. RBA governor Philip Lowe expects the support package to be required for the foreseeable future but says he can see better times on the horizon.

The Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ) added its voice to the global chorus of central banks implementing unconventional monetary policy measures with the launch of a large-scale asset purchase (LSAP) programme on 23 March.This is designed to reverse tighter funding conditions caused by the COVID-19 crisis.

There is no doubt we are in a uniquely stressful period, professionally and personally. Our best hope is community spirit. In a rapidly changing but always frightening environment, talking to people in the market about the challenges we face has been heartening.

The primary investor base for Australian dollar EMTN deals is still Asian accounts. The makeup of this investor base has shifted, though. It is now based more on funds looking for value and currency exposure rather than on those seeking trading returns.

The primary investor base for Australian dollar EMTN deals is still Asian accounts. The makeup of this investor base has shifted, though. It is now based more on funds looking for value and currency exposure rather than on those seeking trading returns.

The Australian banking system should be better set up to deal with the economic consequences of COVID-19 than it was for the 2008-9 financial crisis. Government support and an accommodative regulator will also help. But rating agency commentary and actions underscore that there is no easy way out of an all-encompassing downturn.

The primary investor base for Australian dollar EMTN deals is still Asian accounts. The makeup of this investor base has shifted, though. It is now based more on funds looking for value and currency exposure rather than on those seeking trading returns.

Mutual banks are soundly capitalised but lack of market access may be holding up their growth aspirations. Only a handful are active in debt capital markets.

US private placement investors admit they have not historically been market leaders when it comes to environmental, social and governance integration. A changing world is shifting the landscape, although it may not lead to a significant influx of green-bond issuance.

US private placement investors admit they have not historically been market leaders when it comes to environmental, social and governance integration. A changing world is shifting the landscape, although it may not lead to a significant influx of green-bond issuance.