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Several of Australia’s largest nonbanks have significant New Zealand asset books. Lending and funding markets have similarities across the Tasman Sea, but they have also arguably diverged more than ever during the pandemic period.

To the surprise of many, the corporate bond market – including the Australian domestic market – rebounded hard and fast from the early days of the COVID-19 crisis with ample liquidity and competitively-priced deal flow. Treasurers share their views on what could be a new paradigm.

Cyber security is one of the most discussed, but least understood, aspects of modern financial markets. Getting to grips with it should be of critical concern to financial institutions of all stripes.

Cyber security is one of the most discussed, but least understood, aspects of modern financial markets. Getting to grips with it should be of critical concern to financial institutions of all stripes.

Adam Moore, director and head of funding and securitisation at Brighten in Sydney, discuses the lender’s debut capital-market deal, the funding model for its nonresident programme and expanding its presence in the Australian prime lending space.

James Austin, chief financial officer at Firstmac in Brisbane, discusses the nonbank’s funding strategy including its recent introduction of additional securitisation programmes and a ground-breaking debut in green-labelled issuance.

Hummgroup has had a record 2021 financial year in the capital markets with more than A$1 billion (US$730.8 million) in issuance. Bianca Spata, group treasurer, and Dennis Koh, head of group funding, at humm in Sydney, discuss opportunities for further growth including the role of sustainability-labelled issuance.