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Where many new lenders are seeking growth in areas they believe are under-served by the banks, Athena is going head to head with established players in the prime mortgage space. The company’s Sydney-based cofounder and chief operating officer, Michael Starkey, tells KangaNews how it is winning business through a true fintech offering – and how it will fund its book.

flexigroup launched an innovative product in the increasingly competitive buy-now, pay-later (BNPL) lending space in August. Michael Malone, group treasurer, and Bianca Spata, head of group funding, at flexigroup in Sydney, give an update on the company’s strategy across its lending and funding products.

New Zealand’s securitisation market is ready for expansion as more investors come into the space and regulatory-driven evolution looms. Paul Jamieson, group treasurer at Avanti Finance (Avanti) in Auckland, says the company is in position to exploit the opportunity to fund and deliver a bigger lending book.

Eva Zileli, treasurer at Latitude Finance Australia (Latitude) in Melbourne, shares a perspective on how the issuer is benefiting from a securitisation market that is increasingly welcoming of diverse asset pools and deal structures – as well as Latitude’s growing product offering.

La Trobe Financial continues to experience rapid growth in assets under management (AUM). The company’s Sydney-based chief treasurer and strategy officer, Martin Barry, tells KangaNews growth is being driven by products at the high-quality end of the credit spectrum, while La Trobe Financial’s retail fund continues to account for a meaningful portion of its funding.

Liberty Financial (Liberty) is continuing to build out its securitisation and senior-unsecured market presence as its growth and, consequently, its funding requirements continue apace. Peter Riedel, chief financial officer at Liberty in Melbourne, discusses the funding task as well as the company’s strategic plans.

Andrew Twyford, treasurer at Pepper in Sydney, discusses a busy year for the issuer in global capital markets. The company has brought securitisation transactions off a raft of platforms and featuring multiple collateral types, as well as tested a new issuance strategy in its core programme.

Like many of its peers, Resimac has successfully grown its loan-origination volume in recent years – and has ambitions for further expansion, including in New Zealand. Andrew Marsden, general manager, treasury and securitisation at Resimac in Sydney, discusses business plans and how they will be funded.

Performance in Australia’s commercial-property sector has been mixed though the Sydney and Melbourne markets have been relatively robust. Jonathan Street, chief executive at Thinktank Commercial Property Finance (Thinktank) in Sydney, says the sector’s growth potential remains undiminished.

Toyota Finance Australia (TFA) has had a growing presence in Australian and offshore debt markets in recent years. The company’s Sydney-based treasurer, Carol Lydford, discusses a recently struck alliance which is expected to facilitate an increased debt-funding requirement, including a possible Australian securitisation debut.

Supranational, sovereign and agency (SSA) issuers’ green, social and sustainability (GSS) bond programmes are not static objects. Some of the market’s biggest players update KangaNews on global and issuer-level developments.

While green, social and sustainability (GSS)-labelled bonds are providing assurance to the market, capex projects alone are not enough for a two-degree world. Amy West, head of sustainable finance at TD Securities in New York, discusses market growth.