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The fact that Investa Office Fund (IOF)’s corporate parent, Investa, has a commitment to sustainable development eased the path to printing Australia’s first domestic corporate green bond. This type of commitment is important for all issuers but may be critical for corporates.

Next in the series talking to the individual award winners from the KangaNews Awards 2016, Tom Irving, managing director and head of Asia syndicate at TD Securities, and Brad Scott, director, corporate debt markets origination at National Australia Bank, reveal what it takes to be an award-winning intermediary in an everchanging Australian market.

It is easy to be cynical about the burgeoning socially responsible investment (SRI) debt sector, largely because the market advantages are fairly marginal to both issuers and investors. Getting past this cynicism requires an acceptance that there is a groundswell of market participants that simply recognise the need to ‘do better’.

The KangaNews Awards are the most prestigious honours bestowed in the Australian and New Zealand debt markets. The results of this year’s awards – which feature a significant structural update – highlight some of the market-changing trends that came to the fore in 2016.

The Financial Markets Foundation for Children held its annual fundraising gala ball, The Enchanted Ball, in Melbourne on November 25 2016. Every cent of the A$1.4 million raised at the ball will go to medical research projects focused on children’s health.

Deal and league-table data from all the debt markets covered by KangaNews for full-year 2016, including full transaction lists and final intermediary league-table performance for the year.

Two bankers talk about their role pioneering Australian social-benefit bonds, for The Benevolent Society and its Resilient Families Programme in New South Wales.

In the third quarter of 2016, Perpetual Corporate Trust responded to the expressed desire of its securitisation clients to learn more about global investor perspectives on the Australian industry. To find these insights, Perpetual conducted extensive interviews with 16 investors from around the world and has compiled their views in a new report.

The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority published the final form of APS 120, the prudential standard governing securitisation, in November 2016. Later the same month, the regulator and industry figures discussed the new standard at the Australian Securitisation Forum’s annual conference – with a focus on concerns around the warehousing regime.

In October 2016, Queensland Treasury Corporation hosted investors from around the world at its Unlocking North Queensland’s Vast Potential conference in Port Douglas. Delegates had the opportunity to hear about the current status and future development of the region across three days of sector briefings and visits – with sessions facilitated by KangaNews.

The Australian Office of Financial Management arranged its third annual Australian Government Fixed-Income Forum in Tokyo in October 2016. More than 90 representatives from 62 institutions attended, marking another year of significant growth in investor numbers and diversity. KangaNews is pleased to present highlights from the 2016 event.

In a year of geopolitical surprises, the election of Donald Trump to the US presidency in November 2016 was perhaps the greatest shock of all. Market participants were left scrambling to interpret the likely consequences of the accession of such a perceived wild card to the US’s highest office.