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Australasian market activity surged in the third week of September with many notable highlights, such as New Zealand Debt Management's curve-extension syndication and Treasury Corporation of Victoria's inaugural sustainability bond.

In July, Commonwealth Bank of Australia and KangaNews conducted the second iteration of their annual environmental, social and governance survey of the Australian domestic fixed-income investor base. The survey was followed by an investor roundtable to discuss the findings and gain insight into the strategies behind the responses.

New South Wales Treasury Corporation’s recent A$4 billion syndicated deal was the first ever dual-tranche floating-rate note transaction from a semi-government issuer. The issuer says it offered this structure to gain interest from its targeted Australian deposit-taking institution investors.

Increased appetite for green bonds and renewed engagement from a diverse range of domestic and global investors brought Queensland Treasury Corporation back to the labelled market after a year-long absence, pricing a A$3 billion (US$2.2 billion) deal on September 9.

Rentenbank joins a growing list of supranational, sovereign and agency borrowers that have printed debut Kangaroo use-of-proceeds green, social and sustainability bonds in 2021. The issuer tells KangaNews it wants the Australian dollar market to be one of its key green-funding sources.