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US private placement investors admit they have not historically been market leaders when it comes to environmental, social and governance integration. A changing world is shifting the landscape, although it may not lead to a significant influx of green-bond issuance.

A clear incentive for banks to align their lending with positive climate outcomes would be capital weightings that explicitly account for climate risk. Such a regulatory setup could immediately facilitate banks to lend to climate-positive projects and borrowers at a cost discount.

A clear incentive for banks to align their lending with positive climate outcomes would be capital weightings that explicitly account for climate risk. Such a regulatory setup could immediately facilitate banks to lend to climate-positive projects and borrowers at a cost discount.

The outcome of new EU securitisation regulations that passed into law on 25 March is more positive for Australian issuers than was feared when the changes were first proposed. Some challenges remain, but it now seems likely that the worst-case scenario – European investors being effectively precluded from participation in Australian-origin transactions – has been averted.

Central banks, including the Reserve Bank of Australia, have reinforced commitments to QE and ultra-low official rates for the foreseeable future. However, in 2021 theoretical discussions about inflation risk have turned into somewhat louder rumblings, leading investors at least to consider what central-bank policy tapering might herald.

Most analysts conclude that no approach to housing affordability will succeed without a breakthrough on the supply side. The New Zealand government is expending its supply measures but it remains to be seen how successful they will be.

US private placement investors admit they have not historically been market leaders when it comes to environmental, social and governance integration. A changing world is shifting the landscape, although it may not lead to a significant influx of green-bond issuance.

US private placement investors admit they have not historically been market leaders when it comes to environmental, social and governance integration. A changing world is shifting the landscape, although it may not lead to a significant influx of green-bond issuance.

US private placement investors admit they have not historically been market leaders when it comes to environmental, social and governance integration. A changing world is shifting the landscape, although it may not lead to a significant influx of green-bond issuance.

CFA Societies Australia (CFASA) comprises associations – based in Sydney, Melbourne and Perth – of local investment professionals engaged in a wide variety of roles. These include corporate finance, portfolio management, security analysis and investment advice.

Every data print adds weight to the belief that Australia is booming. Perhaps the biggest surprise is that this does not appear to be base effect: business and consumer confidence are well above their levels from immediately before the pandemic. Understanding how and why this has happened might make it possible to avoid mistakes in the next phase of the cycle.

Climate Bonds Initiative (CBI) published long-awaited hydropower criteria in March this year. Hydro is a major component of New Zealand’s power generation mix. But rather than aligning positively, these two facts demonstrate the challenges even in best-practice, well-intentioned green labelling.